Stay-At-Home order - Oʻahu 8/27/2020

27 ʻAukake 2020

Aloha e nā ʻohana,

The ʻAha Pūnana Leo (ʻAPL) ʻohana would like to extend our deepest aloha to all of you during these times of uncertainty and hope our Pūnana Leo families continue to remain safe and healthy during this pandemic.

Governor Ige has signed-off on a stay-at-home order for the island of Oʻahu effective August 27th through September 9th, 2020. Per the Governor's Office, childcare facilities are considered an essential business and remain an exception to the order. Our Pūnana Leo staff have worked tirelessly to implement improved protocols and to prepare each site to be a safe and healthy environment for your keiki. The ʻAPL will remain open and is in compliance with DHS licensing requirements including heightened hygiene and safety protocols to reduce risk of infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ʻAPL policies can be viewed on your parent portal bulletin board. 

We are committed to providing our communities with the necessary childcare needed to help Hawaiʻi heal and return to business as usual. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your site director or call the Keʻena Kula Kamaliʻi at (808) 935-4304. 

me ke aloha,

Pualani Kahoʻohanohano
Alakaʻi Kula Kamaliʻi, Director of Kula Kamaliʻi


E Hikaaʻo Mai!


Papahana Keleaʻo