Kula Kamaliʻi
Kula Kamaliʻi | Child Center
Pūnana Leo means nest of voices, and just as young fledglings are fed directly from the mouths of their mothers, Hawaiian language is fed into the ears of our 3 and 4 year old students from the mouths of the Hawaiian language speakers around them. From the moment a Pūnana Leo ʻohana enters preschool, they are immersed in a rich and stimulating honua (environment) where all must observe the kapu of “Hawaiian language only.” The observance of the kapu helps families and their children learn Hawaiian quickly. New students learn simple phrases, sentences, and songs with the help of fluent kumu (teachers) and older classmates. Many, if not all, Pūnana Leo students are able to speak Hawaiian within three or four months.
Pūnana Leo classrooms are warm, nurturing places that value and stimulate young minds and prepare them for lifelong learning. Children discover the world through a culturally and age-level appropriate curriculum based on the Kumu Honua Mauli Ola educational philosophy in a safe and secure environment. Our approach to education is through a family-based model. Parents participate in hui kīpaepae weekly language and culture classes held at the school site, lā ʻohana family days, and hoʻihoʻi honua giving back to their school by cleaning the classrooms and school grounds.
Kula Kamaliʻi Age Groups:
ʻĪnana 3 - 4 years old
Pūnua 4 - 5 years old
Hiʻipēpē | Infant Toddler
In 2006, ‘Aha Pūnana Leo expanded its Hawaiian Medium Education program for keiki with its Hi‘ipēpē Infant Program. Available to nine-month through three-year-old keiki, the program caters to families who are interested and committed to making ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi the primary language of their home. The program includes a full-day of activities that incorporate Kumu Honua Mauli Ola Hawai‘i’s educational philosophy and modern developmental strategies that allow toddlers to develop and enhance their social, perceptual motor and intellectual skills. The Hi‘ipēpē Infant Program is only available at our Hilo and Waiʻanae locations.
Hiʻipēpē Age Group:
9 months-3 years old
Hear from one of our Pūnana Leo ʻohana about their experience and ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi journey.
2024-2025 Kula Kamaliʻi
$11,550 annually | $1,050 monthly installment option
2025-2026 Kula Kamaliʻi
$13,200 annually | $1,200 monthly installment option
Hiʻipēpē | Infant Toddler Program
$18,700 annually / $1,700 monthly installment option
*See below for our tuition assistance affiliates
All Pūnana Leo sites are open from 7:30 am-3:30 pm
There are 13 Pūnana Leo Child Care Centers on 5 islands. Visit the school Directory page here.
A USDA meal program has been established at each Pūnana Leo site with all meals meeting the appropriate Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns for children ages above 9 months of age and below 6 years of age. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack will be served daily at no additional cost to parents.
All families must submit a CACFP Meal Benefit Form and CACFP Enrollment Statement for participation.
The ‘Aha Pūnana Leo does not discriminate in admission practices on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, ancestry, sexual orientation, arrest and court record, marital status or any other characteristic protected by law.
All Pūnana Leo sites are licensed GCC (preschool). Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules Title 17, DHS subtitle 6, Chapter 892.1, Licensing of Group Child Care Center. EXCLUDING: Subchapter 4 Staff Requirements
State Legislative Law 346-152 (b) staff members of programs taught solely in Hawaiian that promote fluency in the Hawaiian language shall be exempt from any rules requiring academic training or certification.
Tuition Assistance Information
The ʻAha Pūnana Leo accepts tuition assistance from various public and private agencies.
We accept tuition assistance from various public and private agencies.
For more information on tuition assistance, please contact our Pūnana Leo Program Systems Support office at (808) 935-4304 ext. 2.
Child Care Subsidies
Preschool Open Doors
Pauahi Keiki Scholars (PKS)
Keiki o ka ʻĀina
Maui Family Support Services, Inc.
Military Programs
Military members only. Eligibility may vary by branch. (Childcare Aware - #9097101 Provider ID Number).
1-800-424-2246 (NACCRRA)
Pre-Kindergarten Program (Pre-K)
(800) 498-4979 ext. 2
For children attending Pūnana Leo o Hilo, Pūnana Leo o Waimea and Pūnana Leo o Waiʻanae
Health Updates
On August 11, 2022, the Department of Human Services issued the revised COVID-19 guidance for licensed and registered child care providers. The health and safety of keiki in our care is our top priority. As such, the ʻAha Pūnana Leo (ʻAPL) preschools follow COVID-19 health and safety guidelines provided by the Department of Human Services for licensed child care facilities. The health and safety guidelines are based on the best available evidence to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus to reduce the impact that exposure causes on our keiki, limahana, and ʻohana. Guidelines are subject to change when community levels of COVID-19 are high.
Please take the time to read through the ʻAPL COVID-19 Guidelines located on your parent portal. If you have any questions regarding the guidelines, please contact the Keʻena Kula Kamaliʻi at (808) 935-4304 or keenakulakamalii@ahapunanaleo.org